Kamis, 24 Maret 2016

How to use Viral Content Buzz to Increase Social Media Sharing and Traffic

 Some of the challenges of a blogger include; Promoting content on social media, keeping your social media audience engaged by sharing quality content ,net working with other bloggers and generating traffic to blog post.  The viral content Buzz plat form has brought just the exact solution to this problem.

What is Viral content Buzz(VCB) ?
Viral content Buzz is a social sharing community for bloggers and content marketers. As a member of the VCB plat form, you can share content or get your content shared by others to   top social media: twitter, Facebook, stumble upon, Pinterest and Google plus. The VCB plat form uses a crowd sourcing model which ensures sharing is from real people who find you content interesting.

      Here we go: How can   we use Viral Content Buzz to increase  social media shares and Website Traffic

Get started with viral content buzz (VCB) is as easy as ABC. Here are the three basic requirements to get started.
  1.  A social media account
  2.  Quality content              
  3.     The URL where the content is found.       
With the requirements set, you can take the next step;
=Go to      Viral contentBuzz
=Create an account (recommended) . You can also login with twitter or Facebook.
  Congratulations, you are now a member of the VCB community. It is easy and free to become a member.  How do you proceed to enjoy the benefits? Here is a guide to get started inside VCB
i.                   Add Social accounts
A social media account was one of our requirements to getting started. 
ii.                 Share Content
To share content,  click on the tab ‘’Dashboard’’. You will be able to see articles which can be shared.

You can also select the setting tab to set up you profile and select your group of interest. Articles in your selected interest will now show on your Dashboard when you want to share.

iii. Add a project
   It is the dream of every content marketer to have a viral post. Being a member of VCB will greatly increase the chances of making your blog post go viral and why not your blog or website? Add your projects and allocate credits.  Once your project is reviewed and accepted, you  will be able to receive more shares to social mediasite and subsequently an increase in your website traffic.
To add a project, Simply click on the   ‘’Add project’’ Tab and follow the instructions.
        Great move. Your project is live to VCB members. What’s next, it is not time to sit back and watch.  This is a social community. You have to get involve. The more you get involve the better for you and your social media audience. Here is what you should do when your content is running on the VCB plat form
a)    Interact,
You can click on the ‘’Interact tab’’ to see who has shared your project.  
On this tab you can click on ‘’ Interact’’ to tweet to the person who share your project . As the name goes, you can comment, like retweet, share   and more.
               b) Share more content.
You have to share more projects to your audience. Let say you got up early in the morning and share some articles to your audience. That will be good for those who were active at that time. What about those who will come later?  With VCB you can schedule your tweets at suitable time intervals.
To avoid annoying your followers with too many updates,  you can use the buffer or schedule post option to share keep content you are interested in which  will be shared later.  Remember that when you share, you get more credit.
              c) , Add more credits to  existing projects
When you earn more credits, add all or some to your project depending on your goals.
   To do this, go to   ‘’My project’’  tab
  Click on ‘’My project’’   , Scroll to the project you want to add credit and Add the desired amount of Credits.

             d) Add more projects.
As it is commonly said ‘’money is to be used’’.  When you earn credits, you don’t have to keep them in your account. Add them to your existing project to improve project rank. A good project rank will result in more shares which is what you need to improve your social media authority.
             e)   Earn more credit
You can earn more credits by sharing projects in the ‘’earn credit’’ page.
You can also earn more by upgrading to a pro User.
These are the basics you need to know in order to succeed in the VCB community.  
To round off this write up, It is important to note that Viral content Buzz does not promise  SEO for your blog or back links. The focus is getting your content being shared on top social media like Facebook, twitter, Google plus, stumble upon, and   Pinterest.  Getting more shares will answer the bloggers question; 
                       How do i get traffic to my blog? 

Also Read : Ten websites that can Improve your blog

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