Jumat, 15 April 2016

Myadvertisingpays update

Well as you can see Im back yo building my "pot" of active Credit Packs back up (currently at 180 as I write). With the current rate of profit share at approximately .65 cents, per pack, per day (results not typical) I am getting a return of around $117 a day if not a little more sometimes.
Because of this I am repurchasing at least 2 new packs per day now!
Hopefully I should be on close to 200 credit packs by the end of the month, and 250 plus for the next month.

Despite the sceptics, the critiscsm and the doubters, MAPS is still going strong, I am in profit and its all looking good.

If youre interested knowing how to make money with Myadvertisingpays too, then get in touch or click HERE and I can help you on your way!


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