Senin, 25 April 2016

Possible Profit Share Earnings from MyAdvertisingPays

Okay, When Mike Deese decided to build My Advertising Pays,  he had us/you in mind. He wanted to design a system that made sure we/you got paid first, and so he made sure he got the whole system checked over by mathematicians
to make sure what he had planned was sustainable.

So how does it work? When someone buys an advertising product from MAP, 95% of the money is put in a reserve fund,

 and 5% goes towards the running costs of the company.

The money in the reserve fund is paid out to its members that have bought Credit Packs and then surfed 10 Traffic Exchange ads.

 The more Credit Packs you have the more you get paid.
So How Much Profit Share Could You Earn? First of all as we will be talking about possible earnings I need to point out the MyAdvertisingPays Earnings Statement which you can find a link to at the end of this page.

Although it’s not necessary to reach this level, it is highly recommended.– The most active Credit Packs you can have is 1200, and when you reach this level, there is not much you can do with the money except take it out!!! However, as you build your account up to that level, packs that you had bought about 3 months earlier will be expiring soon, so in reality, most of your daily income will be spent on keeping your account at ‘Diamond’ 1200 level. The rest of your earnings is pure profit! In the following examples and scenarios I will only be talking about the Profit Share Earnings and 
 not any other income from MAP.
 Here are some Hypothetical Scenarios
Lets’s assume that the Profit Share has been paying out at $0.60 per pack per daysteadily for months and will continue to do so.  This means it will take 100 days for a Credit Pack to expire ($60.00 / $0.60 = 100). Therefore if you bought 12 packs a day for 100 days, you will reach 1200 Credit Packs, and only have a steady 12 packs expire every day, the ones that you bought 100 days earlier.

So, when you’re at 1200 and the packs are paying $0.60 each a day,

 you will earn a total of $720 a day.
But you need to buy 12 new Credit Packs to maintain the 1200 level. This will cost you $49.99 x 12 = $599.88
This means you will have $720 – $599.88 = $120.12 in profit – every day! That’s $840.84 every week.

More Possible Scenarios

  • At 50 cents per pack per day, it will take 120 days for your packs to expire. This means you only need to buy 10 a day to reach 1200 before you first packs expire. With 1200 paying 50 cents, you will earn $600 but only spend $500 repurchasing new Credit Packs.You will have a daily profit of $100, or $700 a week.
  • At 55 cents per pack per day, it will take 109 days for your packs to expire. This means you only need to buy 11 a day to reach 1200 before you first packs expire. With 1200 paying 55 cents, you will earn $660 but only spend $550 repurchasing new Credit Packs.You will have a daily profit of $110, or $770 a week.
  • At 65 cents per pack per day, it will take 92 days for your packs to expire. This means you only need to buy 13 a day to reach 1200 before you first packs expire. With 1200 paying 65 cents, you will earn $780 but only spend $650 repurchasing new Credit Packs.You will have a daily profit of $130, or $910 a week.

No Guarantees

Of course, let’s remember that these scenarios are purely hypothetical as in real life the company’s profits fluctuates hour to hour as do the payouts, but you can figure out averages and use figures like this as a guide. Furthermore there are no guarantees as anything can happen; from a server glitch which mean the site may go down for maintenance to an Alien invasion! :)

This is Not An Investment

And of course please remember, Buying Credit Packs it not an investment. You are buying a bundle of Advertising Credits and Credit Boosters. Those credits and boosters should be used to promote other products and services you are affiliated to, to earn commissions from. The Profit Share Earnings are only paid to those who have bought and hold active Credit Packs and then click 10 Traffic Exchange ads.

Getting Started Is The Most Important Step
So eve if you start with 20 Credit Packs, 50, or 100 it’s recommended to put off taking money out until you reach 1200 Credit Packs. This may seem such a long way away, and if you start low it may take a couple of years, but in the end it will be worth the wait!

MyAdvertisingPays has helped me and my family. I used to work overtime a couple of nights a week and I hated it! Now I don’t work overtime any more.
The long hours overtime, have now changed to a couple of hours a week working on MAPs (optional).

 If I need cash, I simply tap into my earnings from MAPs,
If you need an extra income so you can spend more time with you family and friends, and doing the things you would rather do than having to work overtime, then why not join me and 1000s of others tapping into the online Advertising Industry as soon as possible! Let me know what your goals are and I will tell you exactly what you need to do to achieve them!
Tim Brigg

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