Senin, 25 April 2016

My Advertising Pays Why I Quit The Shocking Truth!

My Advertising Pays - Why I Quit, The Shocking Truth! 
If youve seen my previous posts, youll remember what I was going to do with My Advertising Pays.

Well I quit! Well, what I really mean is I quit building up my account for the month of December! As you know I had this big dilemma about whether to continue re-purchasing, above 950 Packs, or maintain that level and withdraw money at the end of the month.
So I finally decided that as we are moving house, the extra money would come in handy, and it also reinforces the, "Proof, progress, results", mantra that some on-line marketers like to use. 

So as of the 1st December I have been maintaining 945 Credit Packs (and slightly more occasionally).
What has this achieved ?
Well, from 00.01am (UK time) on the 1st December, to midnight of the 3rd December my profit (whilst maintaining those packs) was $510 !

So thats an average of around $160+ earnings per day,
which would equate to approximately $4800 per month,
for anyone in the UK = £3500 per month!
  Remember this is real, not just figures on a screen.
These are earnings that I can withdraw, no matter what nonsense you may read in some unscrupulous sites on the net. 

Of course these results are not typical, and it has taken me personally 18 months to get to this point.

Some may get to the same point and higher quicker, for others, the journey may be slower.        

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